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2022-05-26 08:45  


研究主题包括青少年及成年人的抑郁症状、焦虑症状、物质滥用、睡眠障碍、自杀意念、自杀尝试、性少数应激、儿童期虐待、校园欺凌、应对方式等。所发表期刊包括自然旗下期刊《转化精神病学》(Translational Psychiatry)、《澳大利亚和新西兰精神病学杂志》(Aust N Z J Psychiatry)、《情感障碍杂志》(J Affect Disord)、《行为睡眠医学》(Behav Sleep Med)、《当代心理学》(Current Psycholog)、《儿童虐待和忽视》(Child Abuse Negl)等心理学相关学术期刊。博士期间曾赴比利时根特大学的心理学系进行了为期一周的学术交流,博士学位论文题目为《男性性少数状态与心理行为问题的关联研究》,现收录于中山大学图书馆硕博学位论文中。以下为发表的论文:

1. Association of sexual minority status, gender nonconformity with childhood victimization and adulthood depressive symptoms: A path analysis. 发表于Child Abuse Negl,第1作者,2021 [文] SSCI,IF=3.928

2. Association Among Maltreatment, Bullying and Mental Health, Risk Behavior and Sexual Attraction in Chinese Students. 发表于Acad Pediatr,第1作者,2020 [理] SCI二区,IF=3.107

3. Adenovirus-mediated downregulation of the ubiquitin ligase RNF8 sensitizes bladder cancer to radiotherapy. 发表于Oncotarget,第1作者,2016 [理] SCI一区,IF=5.168

4. Fiber-modified adenovirus-mediated suicide gene therapy can efficiently eliminate bladder cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. 发表于Oncotarget,第2作者,2016 [理] SCI一区,IF=5.168

5. Effect of Sex on the Association Between Nonmedical Use of Opioids and Sleep Disturbance Among Chinese Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study. 发表于Int J Environ Res Public Health,第3作者,2019 [理] SCI四区,IF=2.479

6. Gender differences in the associations between types of childhood maltreatment and sleep disturbance among Chinese adolescents. 发表于J Affect Disord,第5作者,2020 [理] SCI二区,IF=4.839

7. Childhood maltreatment predicts subsequent anxiety symptoms among Chinese adolescents: the role of the tendency of coping styles. 发表于Transl Psychiatry,第4作者,2021 [理] SCI二区,IF=6.222

8. Associations of Substance Use Behaviors With Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Among US and Chinese Adolescents. 发表于Transl Psychiatry,第6作者,2020 [理] SCI二区,IF=6.222

9. Association between nonmedical use of opioids or sedatives and suicidal behavior among Chinese adolescents: An analysis of sex differences. 发表于Aust N Z J Psychiatry,第7作者,2019 [理] SCI二区,IF=5.744

10. The Longitudinal Association between Sleep Duration and Suicidal Behavior among Chinese Adolescents: The Role of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drug. 发表于Behav Sleep Med,第4作者,2020 [理] SCI三区,IF=2.964

11. Coping with minority stress in romantic relationships among lesbian, gay and bisexual people. 发表于Current Psychology,第5作者,2020 [文] SSCI,IF=4.297




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